All events at Princeton University must be in accordance with both University, State and Federal regulations. Events with alcohol or amplified sound may require permits. Please use this page as a resource when planning to ensure a successful event.
Policies Regarding Permits or Sales
When alcohol is served at a conference or event, Princeton policy and applicable NJ State laws, regulations, and rules for the sale, service, and consumption of alcohol must be followed.
Recognized and registered undergraduate student organizations wishing to sponsor an event with alcohol must obtain approval from the Office of the Dean of Undergraduate Students (ODUS) at least two weeks in advance of the event and comply with all guidelines established by the University. For more information on the policy for undergraduate student organizations, click here.
Recognized and registered graduate student organizations wishing to sponsor an event with alcohol must obtain approval from the Graduate School at least three weeks in advance of the event and comply with all guidelines established by the University. For more information on the policy for graduate student organizations, click here.
Offices and departments hosting events with undergraduates and alcohol should abide by the following best practices:
- Plan the event in a location that is a defined space with little or no “cross traffic” so that you can properly manage the event.
- Only serve beer and wine.
- In advance, write to students who are invited but underage and explain to them that they are expected to adhere to university policies while at the event.
- Inform any bartending staff that there are a small number of guests who are not of legal drinking age; if possible you can subtly (i.e. a color dot, different font) denote that status on a name badge or place-setting.
- Identify department staff who will be at the event and are prepared to address under-age students who may be failing to abide by university policies at the event. It’s helpful if this person(s) has been involved in event planning and has a sense who the guests are in attendance.
- If necessary for a larger event, consider hiring a Public Safety officer to provide general security.
- Have a plan for any remaining alcohol at the conclusion of the event. When placing catering orders, see if they are willing to take back unopened bottles. The few remaining open bottles can be disposed in a way to ensure that students don’t access them.
A social affair permit from the State of New Jersey may be required in some cases when alcohol is served. A minimum of two weeks is required to secure a social affair permit and a fee of $100.00 is applied by the New Jersey Department of Law and Public Safety, Division of Alcohol Beverage Control. A public safety officer may be required at the expense of the hosting department or organization based on the nature of the event or the space in which the event will be held.
Contact Leeshua Gibbons (609) 258-6781 in Conference and Event Services with questions regarding the consumption of alcoholic beverages during events or conferences. -
Occasionally an author lecturing or presenting at a conference or event may request permission to sell copies of their book. Guidelines for such sales are as follows:
- Labyrinth Books is the contracted vendor for book sales on the Princeton University campus.
- Labyrinth Books may set up a table outside an event to sell copies of an author's book.
- Princeton employees may not be involved in such sales.
- Authors may not sell their publications directly.
- When in doubt contact Conference and Event Services directly before giving any vendor permission to sell at a campus event.
For additional information regarding the use of amplified sound, please see Forms of Expression. Information regarding obtaining noise permits from the Municipality of Princeton is also available here.
Policies Regarding Space Reservation
The Princeton University publication, Rights, Rules, Responsibilities provides guidelines for use of University Resources including the use of University facilities.
Princeton University’s outdoor spaces are one of the University’s most valuable and in some cases most fragile resources. Princeton’s grounds are an integral part of the architectural beauty of the University; they complement and enhance buildings; they are a resource meant to be enjoyed by members of the University and, in most cases, the general public. Painstaking and ongoing care and proper use are necessary to keep our grounds in good condition.
Requests for the use of Princeton University’s outdoor spaces are reviewed based on several factors including but not limited to:- Time of year (whether classes are in session; whether other large University sponsored events are scheduled like Reunions or Commencement events)
- Weather and impact on the grounds, and the existing condition of the grounds
- Safety and security
- Benefit to University community
- Interference with other campus business or ability to navigate around campus
- Set-up required
- Duration
Please provide us with as much information about your event as possible when requesting space.
Listed below are examples of selected outdoor spaces that may be available for activities sponsored by University academic or administrative departments or student organizations that are registered with the Office of Dean for Undergraduate Students or the Office of the Dean of the Graduate School. To inquire about reserving outdoor space please contact Conference and Events Services at 609-258-6115. Outdoor spaces cannot be reserved by external groups.
The following spaces are the most commonly reserved areas:- Alexander Beach-Popular for picnics and large outdoor gatherings. Past events include Princeton Preview check in, the SheRoars opening dinner and a number of residential college activities.
- The University Store Courtyard-Popular for picnics and large outdoor gatherings. Past events include fairs and picnics hosted by student organizations.
- Dod Courtyard-Popular for student organization BBQs and events. Past events have included class sponsored events.
- 1879 Lawn-Popular for student organization outreach displays and fairs. Past events have included the TASA Asian Night Market and Student Global AIDS Campaign display.
- McCosh Courtyard-Popular for smaller gatherings. Past events have included departmental picnics.
- Murray-Dodge Lawn-Popular for small picnics and outdoor movies. Past events have included departmental picnics and student organizations showing films on the side of Whig Hall.
- 1879 and Blair Arches- Popular with a cappella groups.
Note that front campus (the lawn in front of Nassau Hall), Cannon Green, and Prospect House lawn and garden are reserved for officially sanctioned University events, and are not available for any other organized activities.
Conference and Event Services suggests you take the following into account when planning your outdoor event:
- Individuals and groups may not use amplified sound in outdoor spaces prior to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. Amplified sound may include, but is not limited to, bullhorns, musical instruments including makeshift instruments, noisemakers such as airhorns, and amplified speakers. If used in violation of University policy, items used to amplify sound are subject to confiscation by the University.
- Activities that take place in the vicinity of University classrooms, laboratories, libraries, the chapel, offices, and similar facilities must be conducted in a manner that respects the necessity for maintaining a reasonable degree of quiet in such areas. Thus, in these areas, events likely to generate substantial crowd noise and/or utilizing amplified sound may be restricted on evenings or weekends if classes, exams, programs, events, or lectures would be disrupted by such noise. Information regarding restrictions related to noise in the vicinity of dormitories is available in section 2.2.1 of Rights, Rules, Responsibilities.
- Where noise may extend outside the University community, the organizing group or individual must obtain approval from the Municipality of Princeton. Applications for noise permits should be submitted to the Municipality at least two weeks in advance of the proposed event. Information regarding noise permits is available at the Clerk’s Office Permits & Applications, Princeton, N.J.
- Additional information regarding amplified sound and noise policies is available at Forms of Expression.
- All furniture must be removed after the event. Furniture cannot be removed from buildings for outdoor use.
- Camping in vehicles, tents, or other structures is not permitted on campus; as such, individuals and groups may not keep unattended belongings outside or in public spaces overnight. Sleeping overnight in public or outdoor spaces of any kind is also prohibited.
- All grills must be placed on flat land with no tree cover. All coals must be disposed of properly and not dumped on the lawn
- The use of any open flame, grill, cooking appliance, or similar device requires a Municipal fire safety permit and specific safety precautions. Contact the Princeton University Fire Marshal for more information.
- Open burning (e.g. camp fires, fire pits) is not permitted unless approved by the Princeton University Fire Marshal in consultation with the Municipal Fire Marshal. Note: a Municipal fire safety permit may be required.
- Pathways and entryways to buildings must be kept clear and accessible.
While Conference and Events Services reserves outdoor space, additional departments provide support services for certain types of events.
- Some events, such as large scale events or events with alcohol, will require security presence. Please contact Duncan Harrison ([email protected]) to arrange for Public Safety to be on site. There is a charge for this service.
- For most structures, including tents for approved events, official arrangements must be made through Grounds and Building Maintenance. Please contact Rob Staudt ([email protected]) to arrange tent rental. Tents are not allowed near residential buildings with the exception of Reunions. For detailed information see Facilities Event Support. University groups and departments may construct or erect temporary displays and symbolic structures only with University approval. Examples include exhibitions, interactive displays, walls, models, and other symbolic structures. Such displays must include attribution, including contact information for the sponsoring group. The Office of the Dean of Undergraduate Students will work with the group to obtain approval and identify an appropriate location and mechanisms to secure the display, secure reservations, and liaise with University offices, such as University Scheduling, Facilities, Grounds, and the Office of the University Architect.
- To initiate the review and approval process, please email the Office of the Dean of Undergraduate Students or register a request for a temporary display in My PrincetonU.
- In an effort to protect underground cables and tree roots it is mandatory that the Grounds and Building Maintenance department perform a mark out prior to anything being driven into the ground.
- Student organizations and departments wishing to hang banners on McCosh Walk must follow a particular procedure. (See Banner Reservation Request). To post large signs on 1879 Lawn, student organizations and departments must complete the Frist Marquee Space Reservation Request to arrange set up.
Please make sure you leave the grounds in the state that you found them. (See Facilities Event Support) Additional garbage and recycling bins may be rented from Building Services. Charges will be assessed to departments and groups who leave the grounds in disrepair after their event.
The Conference and Event Services office will gladly answer any additional questions you may have about outdoor space. Please contact us directly.
We have taken seriously the safety of students, staff and visitors to campus when forming these regulations. Events that do not follow these regulations will be shut down and future requests will be put in jeopardy.
Financial Requirements
The University requires outside parties who will be performing work or providing services to the University, or those using University facilities to provide evidence of certain types of insurance coverage at specified minimum limits. The Office of Finance and Treasury provides details regarding University insurance requirements.
Conference and Event Services (CES) provides consultative services at no cost. We may be able to provide staffing at larger and more complex conference or events at no cost based on availability of a staff member. Each department or program is responsible for any and all direct expenses (direct expenses are defined as the actual cost charged by a vendor or service provider, whether it is internal or external) relating to their conference or event. Charges are run through a CES chart string and the department or program will be billed via internal invoice after the end of the event, and when all related expenses have hit our chart string. Conference or event funds should be held in a departmental or program chart string. CES does not set up chart strings for conference or event contributions for departments or programs.